During research for new targets I stumbled over some notes regarding a quite interesting underground facility, the now abandoned and below described Kindsbach Cave. It was fortunately not too difficult to get in contact with the owner, Wolfgang Wuermell, grandson of the original owner. He was very kind, gave us a little tour and even […]
Former Police Headquarters in Wiesbaden / Germany
Around 1900, the houses at 2-6 Market Street were put down in order to erect the building for the Royal Police Directorate between Friedrich Street and Mauer Street. The result was a four storey two-winged building with a corner tower. An annex for the prison and the necessary horse stables were built in the courtyard. […]
Main Hardware Depot Bunker / Germany
In the 1960s -just a couple of kilometers away from the Main Medical Depot Bunker– also a Main Hardware Depot Bunker (GerHDep) was dug into the mountainous flanks of the Wisper valley. The facility consists of rhombically built street and storage tunnels and galleries, which spread over a total length of over ten kilometers. The […]
Main Medical Depot Bunker / Germany
After the dissolution of the medical supplies depot Wittlich/Germany in July 1975 the medical depot Lorch/Rheingau was set up. It had the task to store, maintain, deliver and dispose medical supplies for the Medical Service of the German Bundeswehr. In the 1960s, the days of the Cold War, they sought to protect such facilities against […]
Voelklingen Ironworks / Germany
The Ironworks, which cover some 6 ha, dominate the city of Völklingen in the German State of Saarland. Construction of the plant began in 1881, it went of production in 1986. It is the example in the whole of Western Europe and North America of an integrated ironworks that was built and equipped in the […]
Melaten Cemetery in Cologne / Germany
The Melaten Cemetery is the central cemetery of the town of Cologne. The name „Melaten“ comes from the French word „malade“ which has the same meaning as the English „malady“. It’s history goes back to the 12th century when the area located an asylum for people suffering from leprosy, called „campus leprosi“…. Later, in the […]
Police Detention in Frankfurt / Germany
This is actually one of my first Urban Exploring „harvests“. In 2007, The German Museum for Architecture used the old building as temporary home during some renovation work at the actual museum. During this short intermezzo the site was partially open to the public. The Detention was built in 1886 and throughout its history it […]
Berlin / Germany
Berlin has round about 3,5 Mio citizens and is not only the capital but naturally also the biggest city of Germany, both in number of people and covered area. It is the only metropolitan city in Germany and has quite an eventful history. Parts of its history can be found everywhere throughout the vast city […]
Kurhaus / Germany
This Spa Hotel in the Western part of Germany was built in 1914 and eventually abandonded in the mid of the 90’s. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of vandalism. Here is the link to the Slideshow
Hospital Bunker / Germany
Im März 1941 wurde mit dem Bau dieses dreigeschossigen Bunkers im Park eines Krankenhauses einer Deutschen Stadt begonnen. Er wurde als Krankenhaus für 170 Betten eingerichtet. Der Bunker wurde während des Krieges entsprechend zum Teil als Lazarett und als Krankenhaus genutzt. Die ersten Patienten wurden im Juli 1943 in den Bunker verlegt. Am 22. Dezember […]