Creedmoor State Hospital in Queens, NY was founded in 1912 as the Farm Colony of Brooklyn State Hospital, with 32 patients, at Creedmoor (thus the name) by the Lunacy Commission of New York State, reflecting a trend towards sending the swelling population of urban psychiatric patients to the fresh air of outlying areas. By 1918, […]
Essex County Hospital / NJ
In 1896, Essex County officials designated 325 acres of land as the new location of the Essex County Asylum for the Insane. Located in what was then Verona and is now Cedar Grove, the facility housed mentally ill patients who required daily care. The site was selected due to its remote, high altitude location, which, […]
Harlem Valley State Hospital / NY
Harlem Valley State Hospital opened on April 24th, 1924 „for the care and treatment of the insane“ as part of an act to discontinue the farm and industrial prison at Wingdale. Buildings A, B and C had already been constructed and money was soon requested to buy adjoining farmland and buildings to build a root […]
Hudson River State Hospital / NY
The Hudson River State Hospital is a former New York state psychiatric hospital whose main building has been designated a National Historic Landmark due to its exemplary High Victorian Gothic architecture, the first use of that style for an American institutional building. The Hudson River Psychiatric Center, nearby, is a successor facility. Frederick Clarke Withers […]
Hospital Bunker / Germany
Im März 1941 wurde mit dem Bau dieses dreigeschossigen Bunkers im Park eines Krankenhauses einer Deutschen Stadt begonnen. Er wurde als Krankenhaus für 170 Betten eingerichtet. Der Bunker wurde während des Krieges entsprechend zum Teil als Lazarett und als Krankenhaus genutzt. Die ersten Patienten wurden im Juli 1943 in den Bunker verlegt. Am 22. Dezember […]
Fort Totten / NY
These pictures have been taken in Fort Totten, which is a former U.S Army installation near Bayside, Queens, New York. Originally it was built in 1862 and in 1954 extended as an air defense site with various military facilities, including a hospital, in which most of the photos in this series had been taken. The […]